You can download the latest Burp Bounty Pro version 2.6.1 at:
Solved bug with time-based issues.
Added new profiles:
Profiles Pasive response:
- Amazon_MWS_Auth_Token
- AWS_Client_Secret
- AWS_Creds_File
- AWS_EC2_Url
- Cache-Control
- Content-Security-Policy
- Strict-Transport-Security
- X-Content-Type-Options
- X-Frame-Options
- CookieFlag-HttpOnly
- CookieFlag-SameSite
- CookieFlag-Secure
- DefaultRDP
- Env_Vars
- Facebook_Client_ID
- Facebook_OAuth
- Joomla-CVE-2015-7297
- LinkedIn_Secret
- NuGet_Api_Key
- Octopus_API_Key
- Paypal_Braintree_access_token
- Picatic_API_Key
- SonarQube_API_Key_Docs
- StackHawk_API_Key
- WordPress-SensitiveDirectories
Profiles Pasive request:
- AmazonAWSRequest
- ApiKeyRequest
- AuthorizationBearerToken
- ErrorPages-JobApps
- WeblogicServer-UDDI_Explorer